Sunday, December 28, 2008


I'm in Illinois. You probably know that already. It's cold. I know, I know...Illinois in December = cold. But it's been really freaking cold. I think it was last weekend, when the sister and my nephews decided that it was time to do some Christmas shopping, that the temperature dipped down to -6. That's SIX degrees BELOW zero. my wise and wonderful nephew called it: "it's effing cold out there."

A couple of days later, it was a balmy 15 degrees above zero. Now, normally, that would qualify as "effing cold" but the fact that we had come from negative numbers...well, I won't say it was warm out there, but you could definitely tell the difference.

And my nephews thought that it was something that I should share because it's something that a lot of folks--especially in the South--don't realize: the 21 degrees difference from -6 to 15 is very noticable. If you don't believe it, come visit us next Christmas.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Hey, hey! I get to write again! Hallelujah!

I guess I should use this as an introduction of sorts, in case anybody ever wants to actually read this thing, eh?

Hi, my name is Karen. I am currently a graduate student, working on my Master's Degree in History at the University of North Texas. I am originally from Illinois and most of my family still lives there, so I visit pretty regularly. I love movies and use them as reference and conversation starters and even sometimes as a personality test. I try to see as many as I can...except for horror movies, which I find to be a total waste of my time. The inside of my head is a dark and scary enough place without that extra help.

This blog is titled "Chaz 'n' Friends" because someone that I dearly love told me that I have, residing inside me: a lawyer named Chaz, a twelve-year old boy (Charlie), a boy scout who has no name, a "regular guy" who watches football, scopes chicks and burps (Hank) and several other facets of my personality. I would like for this blog to be a space where any of them can come out via my writing. Incidentally, my friend really hated Chaz.

So, there you have it. Read on, if you have a mind to. I hope you enjoy it. Feel free to comment and ask questions.