Wednesday, January 28, 2009

25 random things

So, I've been tagged on this one a couple of times, and "not tagged" at least once, as well (that's you, Kim). I guess it's a sign. Or probably not, but let's give it a shot anyhow.

  1. I am the youngest (by seven years) of eight children. 4 boys, 4 girls

  2. For large chunks of my youth, I was left in the care of my brothers, which is very similar to saying, "I was raised by wolves."

  3. I like to know the ending of a movie before I see it. Historical adaptations (or Disney productions) are perfect for me.

  4. When reading fiction, I read about a quarter to a third of the book, then flip to the back and read the last chapter or so.

  5. I hate surprises. As you could probably tell from the past two little tidbits.

  6. When I was in the 4th grade, I punched a boy, who was tormenting a girl I liked, in the face and made his nose bleed.

  7. I was in a farm accident when I was 20 years old (6 days before my 21st birthday) which led to 3 different surgeries, kept me in a hospital for a total of 10 weeks (much of it in isolation due to a nasty staph infection) and on crutches for over 3 months.

  8. In spite of #7, I have never had a broken bone.

  9. In large part because of #7, I have an unquestioned belief--not even a belief, really, a certainty--in the existence of God.

  10. Unfortunately, I don't have any other firm convictions as far as religion and spirituality goes.

  11. I have a memory for dates that borders on the creepy.

  12. If given the choice, I would much rather stay up all night and sleep all day.

  13. I do not understand the appeal of flip-flops.

  14. I have the rare ability to get sunburned even when standing in the shade.

  15. I wrote a play about Paul Revere when I was in the 2nd grade. Yes, my class produced it--it was 1976--and on the day of the performance, I threw up and had to go home.

  16. In 3rd grade, my teacher put tape on my mouth...and I've never gotten over it.

  17. I have been deemed mentally and emotionally healthy and released 4 different times by my therapist in the last 10 years.

  18. I have fallen in love twice in my life and both times have had my heart broken in a million pieces that took years to recover from...yet, I really want to be in love again. (kinda makes you wonder about #17, doesn't it?)

  19. Approximately 95% of my friends are artists.

  20. I'm right-handed but most of the things I learned to do as an adult, I learned left-handed.

  21. My favorite place is the west coast of Ireland

  22. My mom is my hero, but I don't want to be just like her.

  23. I have seen all five movies nominated for the Best Picture Oscar this year.

  24. My favorite drink is Pepsi, but I'm afraid that living in the South for so long has destroyed my ability to tell the difference between Coke and Pepsi.

  25. I have a list of movies that I show to the people closest to me so I can see how they react. It's like a personality test with movies. And it's very important to me.


  1. i did a #6, but it was my cousin i punched, for tormenting my sister, and i was only 5 years old.

  2. Well...I was a late bloomer. Actually, I wasn't as far as temper goes. Everything else, though.
