Sunday, July 12, 2009

Joe Popularity

It seems that I have some kind of sign on my forehead that suggests that the reader invite me out to coffee or something today. It's weird. I can go weeks without talking to another human being outside of Dave or maybe one of my nephews, online, but today I got three invitations.

#1- a chick from school. She's a grad student and a TA. I'm not sure why she wants to get coffee, but she asked. Seriously, this one really befuddles me. We have not had any classes together, we aren't scheduled to TA for the same professor next semester...I have no idea what this is about.

#2- my smokin-hot, belly dancer friend invited me to grab some supper with her tonight. I think this was just an opportunity to ask about my vacation and how stuff was going. It was good to talk to her. She's a smart girl and fun to talk to.

#3- another online girl. This time, it's from I can't even remember the last time I signed on to that, but this woman messaged me, asking me to meet for coffee. What the hell, right? I mean, C threw no sparks, so I'm still looking for that sort of thing.

The really funny part about all of these invitations? I don't drink coffee.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


I had a coffee date with a girl today. We could call it a blind date because I had never met her before, but it wasn't a set-up. My therapist, Bob, recommended about a year ago that I give a whirl. I've met people via the internet friend, Carla, and I met in an AOL chatroom more than ten years ago. But, I've never had a love connection online before. So, this coffee date was kind of an unknown. A new frontier.

She was a lovely girl. I'll call her C. We met at Mimi's Cafe in Lewisville. I'd been there once with my roommate, Dave. It's not a bad place, they have food for anyone's tastes, really. It's like La Madeline's without a) the French atmosphere and 2) the emotional baggage that I now associate with that place. So, I suggested it because it was someplace that I knew where it was and that was not too formal and stiff.

I guess it went well. She wants to get together again. We just sat and talked for almost two hours. But, there were no sparks. I don't know if I was expecting any. I just know that the last "first date" that I went on ended with an invitation to go home with her (I didn't go. I had Spanish homework.). This was not that kind of date. Oh well, back to the drawing board, I guess.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Book 6

I just finished reading the sixth book of the Harry Potter series, The Half-Blood Prince, and I cried maybe even harder when Dumbledore died this time around than I did the first time I read it. Weird. But, I'd guess it just reflects some of the things I've been struggling with in my own life. I dearly wish I had a Ron and/or Hermione to talk these things over with...I'd probably even listen to my versions.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ana Marie Cox

I HEART Ana Marie Cox, so hard.

That is all.