Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Is it only Tuesday?

Well, today was kind of a weird day. I did get some stuff accomplished. Namely, I typed about a dozen pages of my transcription. Now, I have a shit ton more to do, but it's a good start. I helped out a friend today with a makeup exam. She needed to take it and was trying to put it off, but I kind of forced her hand a bit. I think it was the right thing to do, though. It was a Dr. P day, that's for sure.

In other news, Glee is back on. We watched at Melissa's place, eating the Pei Wei that I picked up and delivered. That was fun...talking about Karen in the third person is kind of weird. Not much else to report. It's late, I'm tired and going to bed.

Monday, April 12, 2010


This semester, Mondays suck. And it's not because I have office hours at like 9am--because I am rarely there for my office hours because no one ever comes during my office hours. And it's not because I work at the History Help Center from noon until 6pm--because I work with Aaron and Chloe and sometimes Kat, so it doesn't completely suck...unless, of course, I'm actually trying to get work done.

No, it's because of the one hour class that Chloe and I have from 6:30 to 7:20 every Monday evening. It is a living hell. It's called Bibliography and it's the one class that is required for all Master's students to take. Nominally, it is supposed to be teaching us secrets of how to research the hell out of our topics. In reality, it is 50 long minutes with an instructor who resents the hell out of the fact that she is not in a tenure track position, is bitter that she therefore has to work a half dozen crappy jobs to make ends meet, and thinks that we are effin' retarded and she is a million times smarter than all of us. What do we learn? Nothing that we didn't already know. But at least we get to sit there and be talked down to for almost an hour.

This one hour in the evening on Mondays makes the entire day filled with a feeling of foreboding. About two to three hours before class time, it starts to get really bad. Even Chloe was mean today. The only positive about the whole day is Bruce. He's a very funny fellow. I especially like when he makes snarky comments to the teacher and she doesn't even realize that she's being made fun of. Yeah, and we're the dummies.

Anyhow, the day is over now. Bring on Tuesday.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A New Beginning

Okay, I'm going to start blogging daily again. Look out world.

I had a fantastic weekend. On Saturday, I presented a paper at the regional Phi Alpha Theta conference in Sherman. It went okay. I guess I just have a different definition of what "presenting a paper" means. Evidently to everyone else that I saw, it meant reading the paper to the audience. To me, well... I basically gave a speech, using the paper as a guide. I was kind of animated and energetic. I managed to stay at the podium the entire time, but don't count on that happening the next time. Anyhow, everyone commented on my presentation. Well, the three people who were there, at any rate. I don't know. It was a good experience, though, and I'm ready to work on some more papers to present in other venues. Bring it on, baby. I don't have stage fright.

I left Sherman at about 3 and it was a gorgeous drive home. I almost didn't mind all the idiots on the road. Almost. I got home and decided to take a nap. And woke up at about 10:30. I forced myself to stay up for a couple of hours, then I went to bed for real. No problems whatsoever in falling back to sleep.

Today, I went to the Rangers' game. They played the Mariners and won 9-2. I invited Chloe to go with me. We met Amy and Robyn, and Michelle(?) and Cheri(?) at Gilligan's in Arlington. That was interesting. We got some super-cool Ian Kinsler hats. I'm pretty sure I got a little sun. I ate three hot dogs and some Supreme Nachos. It was fan-freaking-tastic. I love baseball and I love the ballpark. It was a great day and a great weekend.

Good Night!