Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Birthday, Abraham Lincoln

So, I thought for a while about which movie I would use to facilitate a discussion about Abe Lincoln. My first thought was "Amistad" but I vetoed it for two reasons: A) that was the last movie I went to see with Maria and, honestly, that is all I can think about as far as that movie is concerned, and 2) Abraham Lincoln didn't really care about freeing the slaves. I guess that's what gets me about his legacy as President. He's the "Great Emancipator" but he was on record as saying: "If I can save the Union without freeing a single slave, I'd do it." Not that he was a bad guy, he was a product of his time. Sorry for that geeky interlude.

My next possible choice was something like "National Treasure 2" because the whole movie begins with the conspiracy to assassinate Lincoln. But that movie just pisses me off. I mean...even if I didn't study history, that timeline would make my head explode.

"Gettysburg" or "Gods and Generals"? No, I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but Lincoln didn't actually fight at Gettysburg, just gave a reallly super short speech well after the fact.

I guess that leaves me with just the memories of his house in Springfield, his law offices, the Old Capitol Building that has stovepipe hats lying all over the place.
I don't know how many of those things he owned, but there was one on his desk and one hanging in his living room
...the man left them all over. Okay, probably not, but that's the way they make it sound when you're there. And...he was a big shot lawyer in Springfield, which we know because he had a three-hole outhouse. I have photos. Hey! I should put some of them on here, huh?

Anyhow, it's Abe Lincoln's birthday--a holiday for students in Illinois. We never celebrated stupid "President's Day"...we honored the one that counted. Wonder what they'll do now that we can lay claim on Obama, too. I think his birthday is in early August, though. Have a good day and remember: "with malice toward none".

Q: Who is your favorite president?

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